
Lately I've watched TV series of the Vikings, warriors who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century. I like history and enjoy watching this series.

When I travelled York, the UK by myself about ten years ago, I visited an attraction; JORVIK Viking Centre. I knew York was under Vikings' control before the Anglo-Normans, but knew nothing about this attraction. It's the attraction where you board a ride and learn their lives through the senses. Honestly it took a bit courage to go into there alone without knowing just what will going to happen with Vikings!

If you say 'Let's go out for a Viking!' in Japan, it means a buffet-style cuisine. It comes from that the Imperial Hotel named Viking a buffet in 1958, from the image of Vikings who eat and chug vigorously, and also because it was northern European cuisine. Sweets-viking, all-you-can-eat sweets buffet in hotels have been popular among Japanese women. It's an enemy of diet, but they are geniuses to think of a good excuse when it comes to eat sweets:)


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