
Since the crafting shop was closed without a clear date of reopening, I'd looked forward to join in a crafting or Christmas fair with my friends. But unfortunately I have to give up this year because I am going to Japan soon. The big mouse decided to work in Japan. He had waited this opportunity until I got the permanent visa of the UK, otherwise I can't come back here. Now the requirements are met. We decided to go to Japan, but we come back to the UK next spring.

It will be the first time to go back to Japan after two and half years. I am happy to see my family and friends, but also I am sad to leave here saying good bye to everyone, even though it's a short period. Then I realised that I have enjoyed living in the UK, maybe because I've established my life here bit by bit.

Unknown place becomes familiar place and then adopted hometown. Some people simply envy you because you have lived in a foreign country. I don't have homesick, I don't feel Japan is so far even it's far away, because of high technology. But different from fixed-term travelling, living in a foreign country gives you heartache about not having responsibility of caring for elderly parents or grandparents. Or sometimes gives you a concern about your health or old age etc... In reality, some day, definitely, the day you can't travel the world easily would come in the future. That means, you need to live with the intention of spending the rest of your life here.

What you can do, is to fully experience the present and to live the present as you wish. I'll enjoy my life in Tokyo for a while and also continue to write about my experience here:)

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