Walk The Essex Way - Stage3

   *It's our own stage.

My shoes were ready. Soles were glued. Our route this time was from Willingale to Pleshey, perhaps Great Waltham if we had the energy. Everything was OK at first. The path was wide and easy to walk and signs were well provided.

Though, I don't like 'green lane'. Always muddy. It's traumatic.

We were hungry and needed energy. We decided to have rest at a church in Good Easter. Walking through a wheat field was the most beautiful and fun in this stage.

After the rest, we started to walk to Pleshey. It's a lovely village. The castle used to be there. And the church building was interesting, looks like a castle a bit.

Once we thought to finish here, but the problem was that bus services are not good. We could have got the last bus, but we decided to walk more to Great Waltham.

Poppies are a symbol of Essex Way. :)

We carefully checked a map and directions, but some parts were difficult to understand without proper signs.

We made a mistake of the route near the reservoir but corrected the way.

We were so exhausted. And finally we found the church in Great Waltham! The walk will be continued.

Read other stages;

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