I saw these pictures of sunflowers in Chelmsford the other day, drawn by students. The sunflowers remind me of Vincent Van Gogh's series, but they also remind me of the funny event in my life.
One day, when I was a child, my grandmother was visiting us. A delivery man came to bring us a parcel. But, my parents hadn't come back from work yet, so she received the parcel. At that time, when you received a parcel, using a personal (surname) seal was very common to use, instead of writing a signature. My grandmother opened a drawer and searched for the personal seal. She finally found the seal and gave the delivery man a receiving stamp. He tilted his head in confusion and he went back. My grandmother had thought he was strange but didn't doubt anything. Later, she explained to my mother about that event after my mother came back home. And we all laughed at the event. Because the seal she gave to the deliver man was not a personal seal, it was our toy stamp of sunflower.