Praise Myself for My Effort

It has been 6 months since I moved to the UK. It's a new record for me. I'd never stayed abroad longer than 4 months. I came this country several times in the past, but one thing I've never experienced is 'winter' here. New life is not so difficult for me due to I spent in his house last year as a trial. But honestly I couldn't understand at first what people said except him. They speak very quickly and some people have local accent. That made me being a bit terrified to have conversation. Still I'm struggling with English, but I feel it's getting better than last year, although there are differences between individuals that how long it takes. I think I stood at the difference starting line with some other Japanese people who got married to British like me, because most people have an experience studying or working in the English speaking countries more than one year before marriage, but I haven't. I've studied English in Edinburgh for three months, but it was almost 10 years ago! During the years, I had carried on my normal life in Japan, away from English. After an absence of about 10 years, it was hard to get used to English. I am not teen nor 20's anymore!

I know a Japanese woman who speak English like a native English speaker, but she said she had never been to other countries (at that time). She has just studied it in only English-speaking environment. Regarding to languages, I think experience, environment and practising are all. Taking the first step is always hard, but a sense of achievement makes you have a confidence. I've enjoyed having feeling up and down due to my English and having a conversation with local people. I've done well, hanve't I?


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