Battle Field

I love Christmas atmosphere, and basically I love shopping. But I don't like shopping at a supermarket during this season in the UK. Because it's a sort of battle field! I can avoid crowded bargain hunting battle field, but as for daily products, no, I can't. It's a fundamental thing we have to do in order to survive (we don't have a freezer.)!!

When I enter a supermarket, I always feel as if I am dressed in armour and warrior helmet, and hold a small weapon (a shopping basket). But my petite Japanese armoury seems weak among people with strong physique with a strong weapon (a big trolley).

My Barometer of Frustration (Level 1-5);
  • Level 1; I can't understand why there was a nibbled bread on a shelf...
  • Level 2; People are too busy checking prices and searching products. They push and arch a big trolley in narrow aisle unconsciously. They can't see any other customers.
  • Level 3; People bring a big trolley alongside a shelf and block other customers' way.
  • Level 4; An aisle is completely blocked by trolleys. Someone left a trolley between two trolleys for picking up products he wanted.
  • Level 5; My spirits sink when I face a long queue at the cash register. Each customer puts a pile of food on a counter...
'Calm down, calm down, it's not always, it's only for special occasions...' I usually endure these level. But today 'alert' was issued.

Hazard Area;
  • Cashier had a machine trouble. We had extra minutes' wait for it.
My enemies were not only other customers, but also a cashier today! I felt as if I was given a strong kick from behind and my armour and helmet slashed into two with his sharp sword.
  • An old cashier man asked me 'Could you show me your ID for an alcohol?'
Huh? I am not under 18. I look my age in Japan. I admit I am petite and look younger here but I've  never been asked to show ID! He probably realised I open-mouthed and was left speechless. Rather I hesitated to refute, because I don't know how old I look like for them. He said 'Sorry for asking'.

The wounded soldier became grumpy and left the battle field...

Generally looking younger than I am is not too bad, but I have a mixed feeling about to be looked under 18 year-old as someone in her 40s. I prefer to look my age.


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