Urashima Taro

Do you know the Japanese folk tale "Urashima Taro"? It's a story of a poor fisherman "Urashima Taro" who rescued a turtle who was being bullied by children. The turtle came back in the evening to thank him and invite him to the palace. Taro rode on the turtle's back and dove into the palace at the bottom of the sea, named "Ryugujo". At the palace, beautiful women welcomed and treated them very gently and kindly. He stayed with them all the day. When he goes back home, they gave him a treasure box but they said "Don't open it". He returned home and opened the treasure box, as his curiosity overcoming him. Then he became an old man in an instant. He had thought it was a one-day event, but actually many years had passed. His old age was kept in the treasure box.

Which is better? - becoming younger alone or becomes old spontaneously? It must be a stupid question. It's something like "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, isn't it? Anyhow I think it's unbearable for most people to not open the box, because people are greedy and curious creatures.

When there are some progress or changes without you knowing, we sometimes say I became Urashima Taro. I certainly was. Because the temperature dramatically changed during yesterday. Why was I Urashima Taro? Because I stayed at home all day yesterday. I got a cold. My nose is running and also blocked. My voice is like a deep threatening voice! So I got a lot of rest at home yesterday, though it was a really lovely day. It had been a bit cold weather for a while, so I had no uncertainty about temperature until I went out today. What a warm day it is! People wore half sleeve shirts like summer! Amazing! I was wearing long sleeve T-shirt and jacket! I took the jacket off and enjoyed walking under the sun.


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