Walk The Essex Way - Stage2


We were a bit frustrated that we couldn't start stage 2 soon because of bad weather. Well, some people don't mind rain for walking, but we do as beginners.

We started from Chipping Ongar where we finished last time. After passing a playground in Chipping Ongar, we couldn't see an 'Essex Way' sign for a while, but it was hard to make a mistake.

According to the direction, it says walk 'green lane (hedges both sides)' and 'DO NOT FOLLOW THE FIELD EDGE-it's NOT a public right of way and the landowners now object strongly'. I thought it's easy to make a mistake here, because the path leads you to the field and looks easy to walk. On the other hand, the green lane was thick dense and shady. But this time the green lane caught our eyes, because the lane had changed into a brook after the rain a day before! We couldn't believe our eyes. Is this really a lane??? We wanted to walk the field edge if it's allowed. Grrrrr. It was agony...

After walking a brook, we went off the Essex Way to visit Ongar church.

Unfortunately, the church was locked and we couldn't see inside. After we had a break, we walked on Willingale road a bit and corrected the way to the Essex Way.

Someone's hand-written 'Essex Way' sign. :)

We were supposed to walk to Salt's Green to get a bus, but trouble happened. My shoe sole come off... Oh, no! The glue was weakened by brook water. To tell the truth, I've had the same experience before with another trainer... It was better than before but I struggled with walking on the field. Turn the corner, we could see a church in Willingale. Willingale is an interesting village because there are two churches in the same site. We visited both churches.

We changed our plan and decided to get a bus from Willingale. Next time, start from Willingale. Well, it's long way to go to Harwich...

Read previous stage;

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