
The world population is now over 7.3 billion. When you think about it, interpersonal encounter is nothing short of miraculous. When it comes to marriage partner, it's more than that. I have met many people since I was born. Some are still in touch, and some were like ships that pass in the night.

7.3 billion. It's too big number and it's beyond my imagination. But we have lived in the same earth and the same era. Most of them you would never meet.

Sometimes, my memories let my mind drift back over people who I met before. Some I met only once, some are not in touch anymore. Where are they and what are they doing now? They would never care about me, or don't remember about me at all, but in a sense, I think these each encounter was a miracle in our lives. A person who sat next to me in the airplane, a person who asked me a way to somewhere, we normally tend to forget about them soon. A person who had a date before, people who studied many things together at school. They are the past but they were some of the 7.3 billion in my life. They may not see me again, but I feel that was a miracle.

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