What Japanese Thinks About Japan Now

If you live abroad for a while, especially in a different culture, it makes you see your country in a different way. It's a very interesting experience. That is what I am experiencing now.

I came back to Japan, and I re-realised that Japan is a crazy country.:) I think there is a very strong collective sense in the society, compared with the UK. I don't mean its patriotism, but people are enthusiastic for riding a wave of current trends. If something becomes popular, people come to see it or get it in waves. Japanese people accept Western cultures as their own while ignoring real meanings. Most of the fashion magazines feature what foreigners wear, especially in NY, Paris and London. You can see a lot of English or European language signboards, even though sometimes they are not properly used. If Japanese people accomplish a great achievement in the world, Japanese media always perk up their ears on what other countries' media say.

Of course, I don't mean to put down on my country. Japan has a beautiful culture, and is a wonderful country. That's why I always browse Japanese things in shops, more than before. But also I noticed that if you go to the stylish shops, there are a lot of imported items. I used to consider that was normal when I was young, but I feel it's a bit crazy now;) But that is the country called 'Japan.'

Harrassment is commonly understood as behaviour intended to disturb or upset. The other day, I was watching TV and I was very surprised that there are a lot of 'harassments' in Japan. For example;
  • Sexual Harassment - bulling or coerion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.
  • Power Harassment - harrassment or unwelcome attention of a political nature, often occurring in the environment of workplace, hospitals, schools and universities, which involve forced activity beyond the boundaries of the job description.
  • Academic Harassment -abusing of authority in a research institution.
  • Moral Harassment (Mobbing) - bulling of an individual by a group in any context, such as a family, friends, peers, school, workplace, neighbourhood, community, or online.
  • Smoking Harassment - claiming and insisting on the right to a smoke-free environment.
  • Alcohol Harassment - making people to feel obliged to keep a company (out of a sense of duty) by forcing to drink alcohol.
  • Doctor Harassment - bulling, abusing against patients
  • Blood-type Harassment - undergo a personality assessment by ABO blood type. It's a common belief in Japan that a person's blood type is predictive of his or her personality, temperament, and compatibility with others.
  • Karaoke Harassment - forcing people who don't like singing to sing a song.
  • Religious Harassment - forcing people to join religious, to obey the organization or to donate money.
  • Electronic Harassment - the alleged use of electromagnetic waves to harass a victim.
  • Air Harassment - making a bad sense the atmosphere
  • Smell Harassment  -a person with unpleasant body odor or strong perfume
  • Pet Harassment - abusing or mistreating against pets
  • Love Harassment - show intimacy in the office or in public
  • Marriage Harassment - saying 'are you STILL single?' 'why don't you get married?' 'when are you going to get married?' against single person. 
  • Silver Harassment - harassment or abusing against over 60 years old people who need care.
  • Housework Harassment -wife force husband to help housework and child-rearing with complaining (under the notion of women's equality) etc...
I was really surprised by these phrases. Some words are global common knowledge, but some are created under the Japan's own culture. Seems like Japanese people make new words in amusement, but I think there is danger lurking. If people feel uncomfortable with something, they can complain about being harassed by someone specific. Human beings want to gain an advantage over someone. But we should to think about yourself before using the word 'Harassment'. I think it's so crazy and an overreaction. I think there is a possibility to rationalize someone to justify his actions.

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