What I Saw & Thought In Geneva

  • POLITICS - Is the election day coming? Mr. Pierre Bayenet has a few different posters, holding poses like a model:) 
  • SHOW WINDOW - Always window displays are pleasing to the eye.

These are quite unique. I think these are rings using bottle caps.

Picture is not clear because the glass reflects the opposite side buildings, but these are old wooden ski boards. It's uniquely Switzerland.

  • PUBLIC - I wondered what it was. There was no button nor sound (some had a button). If you touch this bottom, the vibration lets blind people know about the green light for crossing the roads.

  • LOCAL LIFE - If you turn aside the main street, there is a local residential area. A local man who was drinking alcohol said 'welcome to my city' to us:)

Let's observe the basic rule in the public space:)

I thought this is interesting. Most of local pubs have this kind of places outside of the building. Some people were drinking beer on seats in these areas.

  • ART & GRAFFITI - Lovely paintings:) I quite like this Red Riding Hood's poster.

  • FRIENDLINESS - Birds were very friendly (more than people??). They came close to people easily. I think birds come to eat bread crumbs because Swiss breads are hard.


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