Self Checkout

Nothing new, but I think people buy a lot of food at a supermarket here, or maybe packages are big. I see some shopping baskets piled with foods. Cashiers sit on chairs and scan the bar codes on packages. In Japan, the cashiers are always standing, so I was surprised when I first saw this in the UK long ago.

I tried to use self checkout at TESCO today. Actually I knew self checkout, some supermarkets have been installed in Japan too, but I've never used it, because there aren't self checkouts in my nearest supermarket. When I went shopping with my sister, I just watched what my sister does and I was struck with wonder, the evolution of the modern cashier... They are useful and convenient when you buy a few things, and also ease the burden of the cashier's work. Nothing is difficult, just follow the screen and scan the bar code. An assistant is always standing nearby.

In the future, all cashiers might be automated, just pass the scanner automatically and robot arms put them into a bag gently and safely. My niece's dream was to be a cashier at a supermarket, because she likes to push the button things. She had ordered a cashier toy from Santa Claus as a present a few years ago. In fact, she can use self checkout at the supermarket. In a sense, she made her dreams come true as a cashier. Now her dream is to be a trimmer, because she likes animals. She still believes in Santa Claus, and already decided to order a dog from Santa Claus this year. It's a thorny issue with my sister.

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