Events of Today

We couldn't sleep well last night, because an ambulance car came to us in the middle of night by mistake. I was half asleep but he went down and opened the door. I could see the light dully from the curtains.

It reminded me of the night after the earthquake. It was a silent night. Suddenly I could hear someone's scream, sounded like a young boy. He was running round, shouting 'Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah.' in a mad frenzy. I heard his footsteps coming towards the road outside our house. My pulse was racing, because I was downstairs at that time and the room is close to the door. It was creepy and I felt scared. At the same time, I tried to call the police, who came quietly and took him into the car. I could see the shadow police car's flashing light through our shoji paper door, and heard the car door shut.

So, I was a bit sleepy this morning due to lack of sleep, but I got up and went out for a walk.
The river runs through the town, and the greenway is adjacent to it. There is a long path and it is called River Walk. I like to walk this path. You see someone walking their dog, groups of mums holding the handles of their babies' prams and chatting, old people taking a walk, people running and lovely animals as well. Today I explored a bit outside my usual range, and walked a lot.


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