
'Attraversiamo': this means ‘Let’s cross over’ in Italian. If you know this word, you’ve probably read the book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, written by Elizabeth Gilbert. I think it’s a most impressive word. My best friend in India gave me a copy of that book as my birthday present last year, and now I’m halfway through it. The film starring Julia Roberts was produced with the same title, and it was released in 2010. The film helps me to read and understand the book in English. The book hit the bestseller list, and received empathy from women all over the world, because the theme is a concern for women the world over - but with a witty story.

In teenage years and twenties, I enjoyed my life, but also had the bitter experience of divorce. I’ve never regretted it, rather I made positive progress. I think I was bright with hope and inspiration, that I could do everything I wanted. But in my thirties, as I get older, unsuprisingly and just like the heroine in the book, I had found it difficult to keep a mental balance between work, love, body, and an uncertain future. By the time I noticed this, I was experiencing ups and downs, and I grew timid.

Now I am in control of myself and everything is going well, bit by bit. There is more than one way to overcome each difficulty, depending on the person. A bad situation cannot last forever.

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